16 April 2016 – Praise and Pizza

Come join us at Advent on Saturday, April 16, 2016 at 5:15 pm for Praise and Pizza. It will be a time of praise music, prayer and a video titled, “God’s Story, Your Story… when His becomes yours!” by Max Lucado. This video casts a fresh perspective on how your daily life relates to God’s grand, epic story. Your life story is part of an overarching narrative where you can witness God’s hand at work and discover your Savior’s unchanging, loving pursuit of you through the chaos of life.

Following this, will be a time for pizza and fellowship. All are welcome! It’s Free! And it’s a great opportunity to bring someone who may not attend church or who is searching for a better understanding of how their story is part of God’s. Praise Music begins at 5:15. Please join us and bring a friend!

2016-04 PP flyer