2 March 2018 – Advent Announcements

Lenten Services

Sunday Worship, March 4 –This Sunday we will “Return to the Lord Who Will Restore You.”

Wednesday, March 7, Mid-Week 3 – God’s Will and My Identity: In this service, we remember that Mary dutifully accepted the role God had given her to become the mother of our Savior. That Son would later accept his role, faithfully following the path his Father had in mind for him to save us all. Supper at 6:15 p.m., Worship at 7:00 p.m.

Choir Rehearsal will resume on Wednesday, March 7 immediately after the mid-week service. We plan to sing on Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. Please join us whenever you can. Music is available if you can’t make it to rehearsals but want to sing with us for services.

Spring Support for Lumberton High School Students: We have another opportunity to support the “storm students” at Lumberton HS. This time your donations will help 13 seniors pay cap and gown fees ($65) and 25 juniors and seniors get prom tickets ($35). Gifts of cash or checks in any amount are welcome. FYI, checks made out to “Lumberton High School” (memo line: Storm Support) are tax deductible. Look for the big white “Sharing Basket” in the narthex on March 4. Questions? Contact Carolyn Jonesor Lydia Berrong.

Work Days at Lumberton: Volunteers from Hope Lutheran in Wake Forest will be working at homes affected by Hurricane Matthew would love to have others participate on any or all of the following dates: Saturdays, March 3 and April 28; Thursdays March 15 and April 12. Please let Bill Jay (bjay1826@gmail.com) or Pastor Wayne Puls (wpuls@hopelutheranwf.org) know if you can make it on any of these dates, and they will get back to you with details.

PORCH: We need a volunteer to assume the duty of collecting and delivering Advent’s donations to PORCH. Contact: Carolyn Jones.

Sunday Adult Bible Study Leaders: Mar. 4 – John Stow, Mar. 11 – Bob Serpas, Mar. 18 – Dave Neely