21 September 2018 – Advent Announcements

We the Church: The follow-up meeting to discuss the implications for us evident in the “We the Church: The Priesthood of All Believers” video we viewed earlier in the summer will be held after worship this Sunday, September 23 at noon. We have all been given a mission to spread the gospel and reverse the trend of shrinkage in the church. Let’s talk about what we can do to accomplish it as a church and as individuals.

The Sherefs will be moving into their new home and could use assistance on Monday, September 24. Please contact Dave Neely or John Stow if you are available to help.

Men’s Retreat: The Men of Advent retreat is scheduled for October 5-7 at the Trinity Center in Salter Path, NC but may be rescheduled due to storm damage. To see how the center fared, visit their website or facebook page.

Hurricane Relief: The council has discussed what direction our Disaster Response should take. At this time, we are asking the congregation to pray for all of those in need and to give us His direction on our course of action. As relief organizations get a better understanding of the immediate and long term needs we will form a plan of action. To stay up to date on status and for information on how you can help, check out the disaster relief info from the SED and the Thrivent Disaster Response page.

Missionaries: We support LCMS missionaries Shauen and Krista Trump. Check out what they are doing in Field Notes, their monthly newsletter.

Touched by Grace: Grace Lutheran Durham will have their annual event on Saturday, October 6. You can sign up to help and find out more info on training, etc. here.

Readings for Sunday, September 23, 18th Sunday after Pentecost: For those who wish to prepare for next week’s lessons, please read Jer. 11:18–20, Ps. 54, James 3:13—4:10, Mark 9:30–37