19 April 2019 – Advent Announcements

Easter Sunday, April 21, 10:30 a.m. – “A God Who Rises” (Isaiah 65:17–25; 1 Corinthians 15:19–26; John 20:1–18 or Luke 24:1–12): Jesus’ resurrection is a very physical act for the life of the man Jesus. “No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again,” Jesus had said (John 10:18). So now He does. The very good news is that Jesus’ resurrection is not just for His sake. As His death was for those of us who in our bodies are dying as the fair consequence for our sins, so now His resurrection is for those of us over whom death was thought to have the final word. Jesus rose bodily, body and soul knit back together eternally. And He promises not some disembodied rest for our souls with Him but a complete resurrection to follow where He has led the way. As we sing in the hymn refrain, “Jesus has risen and we shall arise: Give God the glory! Alleluia!” (LSB 474).

Easter Sunday Brunch: Please plan to attend the annual Easter potluck bunch at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday, April 21. Bring a brunch dish to share; beverages will be provided. Family and friends are welcome. There is a sign-up sheet in the church narthex. There will be an Easter egg hunt after the service. If you are participating and are able, please bring a dozen (or more) filled, plastic eggs to hide.

Easter Egg Hunt: The Easter Egg Hunt will take place after the Worship Service. Gather in the Fellowship Hall for further instructions.

Women of Advent Retreat: We had such a wonderful turnout for the WOA’s retreat on Saturday April 13th. Thank you all who were able to come out. I especially want to thank Maryanne, Lois, Peggy, Carolyn J, Judy, Bill and Laurene. I don’t know what I would have done without your help! Thank you for helping me make the women’s retreat something special. Gina

Men’s Weekday Bible Study resumes on Tuesday, April 23 at 10:00 a.m. Please note the new time. We’ll be starting a new study entitled ” Christianity and the Competition.” Please contact John Cangelosi for further information.

Women’s Evening Bible Study resumes on Tuesday, April 23 at 7:00 p.m. We will be studying “Experiencing God’s Presence” from Jesus Calling Bible Studies. No homework. Come and enjoy an hour of bible study, focusing on direction of Jesus. Contact Karen Baker for more information.

Mission Outreach: there are service opportunities in Lumberton and Jacksonville, NC following the Hurricanes. Contact Pastor Scott or John Cangelosi if you would like to help.

Refrigerator Needed: The church is looking to replace one of the refrigerators in the kitchen, ideally with an ice maker. If you know of one available, please let Paul Simis or Clay Wriedt know.

Readings for Sunday, April 21 (Easter Sunday): For those who wish to prepare for next week’s lessons, please read Isaiah 65:17–25; Psalm 118:15-24; 1 Corinthians 15: 19–26; John 20:1–18