21 November, 2020 – Advent Announcements

Communion Services – December 2, 9, 16!

Join us for Communion! On December 2, 9 and 16, Advent will have 3 live/in-person communion services on each of these dates.

The services will be at 10 a.m., 3 p.m. and 7 p.m., so there are multiple opportunities to sign-up.

Due to CoVid-19 challenges, the following are important to note:
-We will have limitations on the number of people attending, so there is space for physical distancing.
-The 7 p.m. services can only be signed-up for one time per attendee/family for all the dates provided.
-Masks will be required until you receive the Lord’s Supper.
-Sign-ups are needed prior to the services.

More details, and a Sign-up Genius email will be sent out next week.

Christmas Project – Get involved now!

In 2011, Advent created an illustrated slide show of Luke 2:1-20 for our Christmas Eve service. This year we are going to make another slide show for Christmas time. (We are still working on the possibility of a Christmas Service.)


Everyone! All ages and all friends or members of Advent and Grace Lutheran-Durham are invited to participate! No artistic experience needed!


  • Select a verse from Luke 2:1-20. Please sign-up here.
  • Illustrate it. You can use any medium you want – paint, crayons, digital tools, chalk, whatever you want!
  • Take a digital photo of your finished piece and send it to Carolyn Walker. 

-You can send it by text to 919-724-6970

-Or by email to carolyn.walker814@gmail.com

-Or if digital photos are not your thing, contact Carolyn for other options.


Now! Please complete your project by December 12, so we will have time to put the pieces together.

Thank You!

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