11 November, 2016 – Advent Announcements

Call Committee: We are now accepting nominations from the congregation of pastors to add to our call list. The Nomination Form is available in the narthex and on our website and is due by Nov. 13. Forms should be returned to John Stow or any member of the call committee. The next congregational meeting will be after worship on November 13 (around noon.) We will be voting to approve the Congregational Profile at that time. As always, check our website for the latest information.

Stewardship: Join us this Sunday as we focus on our faith and God’s purpose for us as His stewards. Commitment Sunday will follow on November 20 when we will return our estimate of giving cards during the service. For the past several years, we have concentrated on whole-life stewardship with its center being our faith in God’s grace through Jesus. Our trust in Him and our thankfulness lead us to be good stewards of all He has provided.

Operation Christmas Child: Nov. 13 is the final day to bring home-packed shoebox gifts. Boxes will be blessed during worship. The third week in November is national collection week. Project organizers Carolyn Jones, Jennifer Simis, and Janice Wriedt thank you for your continued support for this annual outreach event.

Confirmation classes There will be a short meeting after church on Nov. 20for parents and for students in 6th grade or above interested in beginning confirmation studies. Older children or young adults interested in learning more about Lutheran doctrine are also welcome. Pastor McDaniels will lead the confirmation classes on the Sundays he is with us and will supplement “homework” for the remaining weeks. If you have any questions, contact Carolyn Walker (Carolyn.walker814@gmail.com) or Pastor McDaniels (revjmcdaniels@aol.com).

Thanksgiving Baskets: On Sunday, Nov. 20, Advent will assemble and deliver Thanksgiving Baskets to several families. Please select an item or items from the turkey display in the Narthex and bring it to church by Sunday, Nov. 20. Thrivent has allocated $250 for this event.