18 November, 2016 – Advent Announcements

Call Committee: The call committee will be submitting the Congregational Profile and two nominations to the SED. President Denninger and staff will review the CP in detail, review nominations from the congregation, and compare our profile with pastors’ self-evaluations, both nominated and on the Synod call list, to make sure priorities match. Based on this information, they will provide us with a list of names to be considered. This will take approximately six weeks. As always, check our website for the latest information.

Stewardship: Commitment Sunday is this Sunday, November 20. Bring your Estimate of Giving card for 2017. We’ll be placing them in the offering plate. Thank you for your faithful support of Advent’s ministry.

Confirmation classes There will be a short meeting after church on Nov. 20for parents and for students in 6th grade or above interested in beginning confirmation studies. Older children or young adults interested in learning more about Lutheran doctrine are also welcome. Pastor McDaniels will lead the confirmation classes on the Sundays he is with us and will supplement “homework” for the remaining weeks. If you have any questions, contact Carolyn Walker (Carolyn.walker814@gmail.com) or Pastor McDaniels (revjmcdaniels@aol.com).

Thanksgiving Baskets: On Sunday, Nov. 20, Advent will assemble and deliver Thanksgiving Baskets to several families. Please select an item or items from the turkey display in the Narthex and bring it to church by Sunday, Nov. 20. Thrivent has allocated $250 for this event.

Decorating for Advent and Christmas: Anyone interested in helping to decorate the church for Advent/Christmas is invited to meet at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, November 26.

Need Host family: Advent will have two Christmas services this year since Christmas is on a Sunday – Christmas Eve at 7:00 p.m. and Christmas Day at 10:30 a.m. Pastor McDaniels and his wife Janis are requesting a place to stay overnight after the Christmas Eve service so that they do not have to drive back to Greensboro. Please consider hosting them especially if you live in the vicinity of our church. Contact Peggy (pjearnhardt@triad.rr.com) if you can help or have questions.