18 August 2017 – Advent Announcements

Call Committee: Advent’s Call Committee met on August 15 to discuss the surveys and comments that were submitted by the congregation regarding the Pastor’s visits. After reviewing the positive scoring and comments, it was decided to schedule a Pastoral Call Service as soon as possible.

The Service will be held on Sunday, August 27 and will start approximately 15 minutes following Advent’s Sunday morning worship service. It’s very important for everyone to attend and participate in this wonderful, Spirit-directed service and help select our next Pastor. All members, friends, and family of Advent are encouraged to attend. However, as stipulated by our Constitution, only members in good standing will be given ballots at the beginning of the service.

For those members who have previously planned to be out of town and can’t cancel, you may cast a vote by requesting a proxy ballot from Karla Byrnes (kmkbyrnes@gmail.com) This should be signed and sealed and must be returned to a member of the Call Committee prior to August 27.

We look forward to taking this very important next step in the Pastoral Call process.

Change the World One Life at a Time: Check our website for all the details including information about the participating in the FESTIVAL CHORUS and HANDBELL CHOIR.

Worship Leaders: Pastor Larry Lineberger on Aug. 27; Pastor James McDaniels on Aug. 20, Sept. 3 and 10; Pastor Greg Williamson on Sept 17.