22 September 2017 – Advent Announcements

Choir: We will be singing this Sunday and will run through the music at 10:10 a.m. Extra singers are always welcome! Regular rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.

Call Committee: Thank you to everyone who helped with and attended any part of Pastor Schroeder’s visit this week. Please keep him, his current congregation, and Advent in your prayers that the Lord might lead him to a clear decision as to where He wants him to serve. He requested and was granted an extension on making his decision and will let us know whether he will accept or return the call by Sunday, October 8. We will update you via email, bulletin announcements, and our website whenever we have new information.

The Coalition of Lutherans in Black Ministry (COLIBM) meeting will be hosted by Advent on October 6 and 7, 2017. The theme for this meeting will be “Let’s Talk About the Pastor!” We all are invited and encouraged to attend the sessions on Friday night and Saturday. We will be watching the LCMS produced video “The First Rosa,” a film about Rosa J. Young, on Friday evening. There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex if you can help bring food. If can you can help as acolyte, crucifer, or setting up communion for the closing service on Saturday, please contact Gary Gunn. Click here for more details and a complete schedule.

Change the World One Life at a Time: Check our website for all the details including information about the event, volunteering, and participating in the FESTIVAL CHORUS and HANDBELL CHOIR.

Worship Leaders: Pastor James McDaniels – Oct. 1 and 8, Nov. 12; Pastor Greg Williamson – Sept. 24, Oct. 15, Nov. 19; Pastor Larry Lineberger, Oct. 22.

Sunday Adult Bible Study Leaders: John Stow – Sept. 24, Bob Serpas – Oct. 1, Dave Neely – Oct. 8.