8 March 2019 – Advent Announcements

Daylight Savings Time begins this Sunday, March 10. Remember to set clocks ahead one hour when retiring on Saturday.

Lenten Mid-Week Services are on Wednesdays through April 10 at 7:00 p.m. A light supper will be served each week at 6:15 p.m. If you would like to contribute any of the food items needed for the meals, please see the sign-up sheets in the church narthex. We thank you for helping make the meals delicious. We have many good cooks at Advent! Any questions about the dinners, please contact Lois Durr or Maryanne Warne.

Lent Wednesday, March 13 – “A God Who Prays” (Hebrews 7:20–28; John 17): We remember how the man Jesus prayed to His Father and ours. He is our great High Priest, who even now prays for us!

PORCH: Upcoming sort dates are March 11, and April 15. Please keep bringing non-perishables and canned goods to church. These items are taken to those with food insecurity needs in the area.

Men’s Evening Bible Study: The Men’s Bible Study is in recess until after Easter. Please contact John Cangelosi for further information.

Sunday Adult Bible Study: We are studying “The Unexplained Miracles, Mysteries and More.” This week we will be addressing demons. Please join us for this Bible series and get understanding of some mysteries of life from God’s perspective. Leaders: Mar. 10 – Joe Schradie, Mar. 17 – Pastor Scott, Mar. 24 – Dave Neely, Mar. 31 – Pastor Scott.

Readings for Sunday, March 10, The First Sunday in Lent: For those who wish to prepare for Sunday’s lessons, please read Deut. 26:1–11, Psalm 91:1–13, Rom. 10:8b–13, Luke 4:1–13