15 March 2019 – Advent Announcements

Lenten Mid-Week Services are on Wednesdays through April 10 at 7:00 p.m. A light supper will be served each week at 6:15 p.m. If you would like to contribute any of the food items needed for the meals, please see the sign-up sheets in the church narthex. We thank you for helping make the meals delicious. We have many good cooks at Advent! Any questions about the dinners, please contact Lois Durr or Maryanne Warne.

Lent Wednesday, March 20– “A God Beaten” (Isaiah 52:13–53:12; John 18:19–24): We recall that the man Jesus was struck in the home of the high priest, although He was our great High Priest. He was struck according to God’s will; He was beaten for us!

Easter Lilies: This year, the Easter Lilies will be purchased with monies currently in the flower fund. However, you will have the opportunity to ‘sponsor’ an Easter lily. Donations from sponsorships will be sent to Lumberton, NC, for the hurricane relief fund. On March 31, there will be a bulletin insert that will let you fill out your Easter Lily Sponsor donation in honor or memory of your loved ones. The sponsorships will then be listed in the bulletin as usual.

Sunday Adult Bible Study: We are studying “The Unexplained Miracles, Mysteries and More.” This week we will be addressing angels. Please join us for this Bible series and get understanding of some mysteries of life from God’s perspective. Leaders: Mar. 17 – Pastor Scott, Mar. 24 – Dave Neely, Mar. 31 – Pastor Scott.

Readings for Sunday, March 16, The Second Sunday in Lent: For those who wish to prepare for Sunday’s lessons, please read Jer. 26:8–15, Psalm 4, Phil. 3:17—4:1, Luke 13:31–35