Photos wanted!
We’re looking for updated photos from everyone for our Advent Family Board. We ask that you find a recent or favorite picture of yourself or your families.
Submit these to Carolyn Jones, either in person or through her email. cmfpjones@yahoo.com

Members of the Advent Coronavirus Team of Safety (ACTS) have been carefully monitoring the results of in-person worship since we started back up in May.
Worship Services
We will continue with two services at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Sign-Up are still being requested.
Masks and physical distancing will be required at the 9 a.m. service.
Masks are highly recommended to be worn at the 10:30 a.m. service.
We also ask that people continue physical distancing. Please recognized that many will feel more comfortable wearing masks, which is completely fine. We ask that we not make this about our positions on vaccines or masks or any of the ways that could threaten to divide us.
Sign-Up Genius is needed for tracking and to keep the numbers of people in the building at a manageable level.
Here is the link for September Sign-Ups:
Sign-Up Genius Link for Services in September!
An important note about the Sign-Ups: Checkmark which service you wish to attend, then click “Submit and Sign up.” After that, put the number of people attending, your name and email, and then click “Sign Up Now.”
Holy Communion
Communion will be provided at the end of the 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. worship services. Tables with the host and wine are set up in front of the altar. After communing, the blessing will be given and the communicants and family will be dismissed.
Musician/Piano Player
We have a new church musician who just began. Please welcome Lynn Miller as part of our Advent Family.
Christian Education
There will be no Sunday School or Bible Class at this time in-person. (See below for an Adult Zoom Bible Class opportunity. Youth Events continue to take place. Confirmation is beginning soon via Zoom also. Our Education Committee will continue to look at Christian Education opportunities for younger grades.)
Virtual Setting
In addition to live/in-person worship, services will be available under the “Worship” tab on the website or Click here for Advent’s YouTube Channel.
Contact Pastor Scott at Pastor’s Direct Email if you have other questions or concerns.

The Men of Advent have scheduled their annual retreat at the Trinity Center from October 22-24, 2021 after missing the event last year due to COVID-19. The Trinity Center is located in Salter Path, NC near Morehead City. You should plan to arrive by 4 pm on Friday, October 22 and leave by 10 am Sunday, October 24 (car pools will be arranged).
The rates per this event are $186 per person (two in room) or $226 per person (single). 2021 Rate includes 2 nights and all meals, dinner Friday through breakfast Sunday. The retreat not only gives us time for great fellowship, but also provides an opportunity to study God’s Word together. We have reserved 10 rooms, which hold up to 20 men double occupancy.
Please let John Stow, Dave Neely or Bill Ackerman know if you can attend. John’s Email We look forward to enjoying the fellowship and growing together in Christ.

Join us for Virtual Bible Class on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. We are consistently illuminated by the Light of the World found in Scripture, and we are now looking at our faith lives through the lens of the Book of Romans.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 879 0248 4098
Password: Contact Pastor
Pastor’s Direct Email