Join us for Worship!
We welcome all to come and spend time with the Lord.
We have two worship services at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., and both have communion. Between the two services, total attendance averages around 40 people at the in-person services, and each week there about about 29 views on-line. Virtual Services are available under the “Worship” tab on the Advent website or Click here for Advent’s YouTube Channel.
For October, the Sign-Up Genius has been stopped because we have a good idea of who is attending worship, and we are continuing to track attendance.
Also, we now have a musician/piano player, and that has enhanced our worship service.
Additionally, we have Bible Class on Wednesdays and we are looking at the New Testament. See details below!
Please join us in our worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
May each of you have an extra measure of God’s Grace, Mercy and Peace!
Pastor Scott and the ACTS Team (Advent’s CoronaVirus Team of Safety) and Church Council